Sunday, January 13, 2019

Those old feelings; the ones we had as kids on Sundays before going back to school for another shit week of bullying and mayhem. Only now it's work and bullying and mayhem. It can't go on and mustn't. This week, in a kind of macabre pantomime of theatre I have several meetings to discuss various issues of labour; workshops about the banal, meetings with obscure representatives from outlining groups and harsh meetings with staff about behaviour and finances. None of this is going to be easy, far from it. And all this against a backdrop of the Brexit Vote on Tuesday and a possible vote of no confidence in the government by a party that although I support I already have no confidence in should they be successful. They are simply not representing my views - at all. And are displaying an arrogance that I'm seeing in my workforce. Doesn't auger well for the near future. I try to be positive but it's not easy.

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