Monday, December 22, 2014

Today, the 22nd December 2014. La Serre, France, bright, beautiful morning with frost on the ground and an overwhelming silence that you simply don't get in SW9 - ever, anywhere. We arrived yesterday after flights from Heathrow and Paris that seemed to take an age and then a car journey from Toulouse with Mimmi all the way to her house and then fantastic food. The kids Juliette and Simon appear to grow in front of your eyes and it all feels very comfortable. Work seems a million miles away but I await the phone calls and the emails. Today we are going to Requista - heart of the sheep countryside. Celine has an appointment with an osteopath and I have to go shopping for the ingredients for biscotti. Tomorrow we go and see Max and Severine. More later, I'm being disturbed by Celine.

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